Post-Processing Body Information - Post-Processing Body Information

Two commands deal with post-processing information on bodies. They are the TRAJECTORY and BODY_FORCE command.

The options common to both commands are:


     -MAG_DEFINE, A(1), .. A(n)

     -BODY, :B_SEL

The -EVENTS option selects the events which will be considered. Here EVE_BEGIN and EVE_END are the beginning and ending event numbers for which the results will be computed, and EVE_INC is the increment for computing results. After the results have been computed, MOSES places the user in the Disposition Menu so that he can dispose of the data. The corresponding form of the REPORT command is:


Here, REP_NAMES(i) is a set of report names which may be selected and will depend on the command issued. The only option available for reporting is again -EVENTS. The -MAG_DEFINE option defines how the "Magnitude" is computed. You can have one, two or three A(i) and each on must be either X, Y, or Z. If you specify all three (the default) then the magnitudes will be the length of the vectors. Alternatively, the magnitude will be the length of the vector projected on to either a line (if one is specified) or a plane. For example


will give you the length of the vector projected onto the X-Y plane. The -BODY option is used to specify the bodies for which results will be reported, only bodies which match :B_SEL are considered,

The TRAJECTORY command instructs MOSES to compute the location, velocity, acceleration, bottom clearance, and displacement for each selected body and to place the user in the Disposition Menu. The form of this command is:


The available options are:


     -MAG_DEFINE, A(1), .. A(n)

     -BODY, :B_SEL



Normally, the location, velocity, and acceleration are computed for the body origin. If one uses the -CG option, then the results will be computed for the body CG instead. The final option is -LOCAL. If YES/NO is NO, MOSES will compute the velocity and acceleration in global coordinates instead of local body ones. The opposite is true if YES/NO is YES. The other options are defined above.

The corresponding form of the REPORT command is:


Here, NAME is a selector which selects the available REPORTs: LOCATION, VELOCITY, and ACCELERATION.

The only option available for reporting is:


The BODY_FORCE, command reports stored values of the force breakdown by type much as the other two commands, but the report time increment has no effect on the results.


The available options are:


     -MAG_DEFINE, A(1), .. A(n)

     -BODY, :B_SEL

     -FORCE, FORCE_NAME(1), ....., FORCE_NAME(n)

The first three options are discussed above and the -FORCE option defines the types of forces which will be reported. Here, FORCE_NAME(i) is a selector which selects forces from the list: WEIGHT, CONTENTS, BUOYANCY, WIND, V_DRAG, R_DRAG, WAVE, SLAM, W_DRIFT, CORIOLIS, DEFORMATION, EXTRA, APPLIED, INERTIA, A_INERTIA, C_INERTIA, FLEX_CONNECTORS, RIGID_CONNECTORS, and TOTAL. If this option is omitted, only the total force will be computed. The meaning of these forces can be found in the section of FORCES.