WELCOME TO MOSES Rev devlop ============================ This Program is licensed for the exclusive use of Ultramarine inc. Copying of this program or use by anyone other than an employee of the above firm without written consent of Ultramarine is strictly prohibited. +++ M A I N +++ =============== >&dimen -dimen feet kips >&device -g_default devi >&set plot = .true. >&set len := 215 >&set beam := 215 >&set pdia := 30 >&set ponhgt := 20 >&set npp := 9 >&set cdia := 63 >&set cdep := 165 >&set npc := 9 >&m_act column block >&m_act pontoon block >&local ext_col = 20+.5*30+1 >&local ext_pon = .65*63 >&surface +++ S U R F A C E +++ ===================== >pontoon S -215/2 215/2 20 0 -length 215 -npoin 9 -dia 30 +++ B L O C K +++ ================= +++ S U R F A C E +++ ===================== >column sf -215/2 215/2 -height 165 -npoin 9 -dia 63 +++ B L O C K +++ ================= +++ S U R F A C E +++ ===================== >column sa +215/2 215/2 -height 165 -npoin 9 -dia 63 +++ B L O C K +++ ================= +++ S U R F A C E +++ ===================== >su_show >union s sf temp >delete s sf >su_show temp sa >union temp sa stbd >delete temp sa >su_show stbd >reflect stbd port y >pont F -215/2 215/2 20 -90 -length 215 -npoin 9 -dia 30 +++ B L O C K +++ ================= +++ S U R F A C E +++ ===================== >su_show stbd port f >union stbd f temp >union port temp ttemp >su_show ttemp >pontoon a 215/2 215/2 20 -90 -length 215 -npoin 9 -dia 30 +++ B L O C K +++ ================= +++ S U R F A C E +++ ===================== >su_show ttemp a >union ttemp a tlp >su_show tlp >block box -loc 0 0 20-30/2 +++ B L O C K +++ ================= >plane -215 0 -rect 0 30/2 30 >end +++ S U R F A C E +++ ===================== >intersect tlp box fmid >&select :comp -select tlp fmid port stbd >rename :comp -equiv .1 >emit :comp -body tlp >emit tlp -piece '-diftype 3ddif -cs_curr 1 1 1 -cs_wind 1 1 1' >emit fmid -compart "-desc 'bow compart'" -piece '-perm -1.00' >emit port -compart "-desc 'port compart'" -piece '-perm -1.00' >emit stbd -compart "-desc 'stbd compart'" -piece '-perm -1.00' >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== MOSES Finished Normally ========================= CP Time 0.58 ======================== Total Units 0.58 ========================