WELCOME TO MOSES Rev devlop ============================ This Program is licensed for the exclusive use of Ultramarine inc. Copying of this program or use by anyone other than an employee of the above firm without written consent of Ultramarine is strictly prohibited. +++ M A I N +++ =============== >&dimen -dimen feet kips >&device -g_default device -oecho no >&title Sample Of a Simple Pendulum >inmodel Time To perform Inmodel : CP= 0.08 >&instate -condition test 0 0 90 >medit +++ M O D E L E D I T I N G +++ ================================= >~pin fix >connector a ~pin *two >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== >&env test -time 20 .025 >TDOM -newm 1/4 1/2 -no_cap Saving Database at Time = 1.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 2.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 3.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 4.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 5.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 6.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 7.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 8.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 9.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 10.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 11.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 12.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 13.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 14.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 15.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 16.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 17.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 18.000 ================================== Saving Database at Time = 19.000 ================================== Simulation Terminated at Specified Time ======================================= Time For Time Domain : CP= 0.10 >prcpost +++ P R O C E S S P O S T - P R O C E S S I N G +++ ===================================================== >&describe interest -assoc @ >illustrate +++ I L L U S T R A T E +++ =========================== >end +++ P R O C E S S P O S T - P R O C E S S I N G +++ ===================================================== >traj +++ D I S P O S I T I O N +++ ============================= >report loca velo acce -even 0 800 .10 >end +++ P R O C E S S P O S T - P R O C E S S I N G +++ ===================================================== >traject +++ D I S P O S I T I O N +++ ============================= >report loca velo -even 0 800 .5 >&channel gra_dev -file pend.ans/pend_mot.eps >p 1 9 -t_left 'Roll Angle (Deg)' -t_x 'Time (Seconds)' >&channel gra_dev -file pend.ans/pend_ace.eps >p 1 21 -t_left 'Roll Angular Acceleration (Deg/Sec^2)' -t_x 'Time (Seconds)' >end +++ P R O C E S S P O S T - P R O C E S S I N G +++ ===================================================== >conforce -even 0 800 .25 +++ D I S P O S I T I O N +++ ============================= >rep >end +++ P R O C E S S P O S T - P R O C E S S I N G +++ ===================================================== >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== MOSES Finished Normally ========================= CP Time 0.26 ======================== Total Units 0.26 ========================