WELCOME TO MOSES Rev devlop ============================ This Program is licensed for the exclusive use of Ultramarine inc. Copying of this program or use by anyone other than an employee of the above firm without written consent of Ultramarine is strictly prohibited. +++ M A I N +++ =============== >&dimen -dimen meters tonnes >&device -g_default file -oecho no >inmodel Time To perform Inmodel : CP= 0.08 >&pict top >&instate -con 4 >&weight -compute 3.5 >hydro +++ H Y D R O _ D Y N A M I C S +++ =================================== >g_pres Setting Pressure Name for DOCK to DOCK ====================================== Time for Strip Theory For DOCK : CP= 0.04 Setting Drift Name for DOCK to DOCK =================================== Time to Sum Pressures For 75 Panels on DOCK : CP= 0.02 Time To Set Up Convolution For DOCK : CP= 0.02 >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== >medit +++ M O D E L E D I T I N G +++ ================================= >~hinge spr x 1e5 y 1e5 >~pile spr x 1e4 y 1e4 >connector ~hinge h_fwd *h1 >connector ~hinge h_aft *h2 >connector ~pile pile *pile >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== >freq +++ F R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S E +++ =========================================== >rao Time To Compute RAOs : CP= 0.05 >&env sea -sea jonswap 90 2 6 2.4 >st_cforce @ sea THE FOLLOWING DATA WILL BE USED =============================== Spectrum Type = JONSWAP Sign. Wave Height = 2.00 Mean Period = 6.00 Mean Heading = 90.00 Spreading Coef. = 200.00 Statistics = MAX +++ D I S P O S I T I O N +++ ============================= >report >end +++ F R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S E +++ =========================================== MOSES Finished Normally ========================= CP Time 0.28 ======================== Total Units 0.28 ========================