Picture Special Effects - Ultramarine.com Picture Special Effects

In addition to the other things, the options











     -WG_MIN, SIZE

can be used for special effects. The -WATER_COLOR option with a YES/NO of YES will use a different color (slightly darker) for things under the water than the color for those above. It will also result in the intersection of a panel with the waterplane being drawn. A YES/NO of NO will not produce the intersection and all lines of a panel will be drawn in the same color.

The -DEFLECT option instructs MOSES to make a plot of the deflected shape of the strings. Here, DFLMAG is the magnification which will be applied to the deflection when making the plot. To return to normal plots, one should use the -DEFLECT option with a magnitude of zero or less.

The -ANOTATE option defines whether or not the strings will be annotated with text when they are plotted. If WWHAT is NO, no annotation will be made. If WWHAT is NAMES, the names of the strings will be plotted. If WWHAT is POINTS, only the names of the points (strings with one vertex) will be plotted. Conversely, if WWHAT is STRINGS, only the names of strings with more than one vertex will be plotted. To plot only class names of strings, one should use PARENT. If WWHAT is RATIO or STRESS, then ratio or stress associated with the string will be used for annotation. To plot only the ratio or stress of points, one should use P_RATIO or P_STRESS. To plot only the ratio or stress of strings with more than one vertex, one should use S_RATIO or S_STRESS.

The next set of options control the meaning of the color used for the plot. By default, different strings are assigned different colors based on familial relationships. This mapping of color to string can be altered with the -COLOR option. Here, CRITERIA must be either MODELED, BODY, PART, RATIO, CDR, STRESS, FLOODED, or SELECTED. With a value of MODELED the color of a string is determined by the color defined by either &DEFAULT or the string attribute itself. With values of BODY or PART, the color of a string will be determined by its body or part. Each string has, as attributes, a ratio, a cdr, and stress, and each point has a deflection. By specifying RATIO orCDR, a color will be associated with each string based on the value of its ratio or cdr. Likewise, STRESS associates a color based on the ratio of the string's stress to its yield stress. For a CRITERIA of FLOODED or SELECTED the entire picture will be plotted in a "weak" color, while also honoring any window options. For FLOODED the flooded beams will be plotted in a bright color. Likewise, for SELECTED strings selected by the -RATIO,-CDR, -NAMES, -BODY, -PART, -PARENT, or -ENDS options are then plotted in a bright color. This is an excellent way to identify where these selected strings are located in an overall view of a model. Notice that using SELECTED with an -ANOTATE option and any selection option will yield a picture that only annotates the selected portion yet allows you to see the complete picture.

The option -CULL_BACK with a YES/NO of YES will omit the plotting of any polygon which faces toward the back of the view. Use of this option with a YES/NO of NO will revert to plotting all polygons. The -BACK_COLOR option with a YES/NO of YES will use a different color for back facing polygons. Of course, a YES/NO of NO will paint all polygons of the same class in the same color. The -CROP_FOR_TITLE option allows one to set the upper boundary for a picture to be below the title if YES/NO is YES. If YES/NO is NO, then the picture will be drawn over the title.

The -SHRINK option will move the outline of a string inward toward its center an amount AMOUNT. This is quite useful when using color to select things in a mesh model. Without shrinking, the color of a panel can be overwritten by the color of its neighbor. Also, this option is useful when looking for "missing" panels or in conjunction with -BACK_COLOR when looking for incorrectly ordered panels. The -T_SIZE and -A_SIZE options allow one to change the size of titles and annotation characters respectively. The defaults are 10 pixels for both.

Finally, the -WG_MIN options defines the minimum wave grid size to be "SIZE".