Defining a Control Assembly - Defining a Control Assembly

A control assembly is simply a set of connectors connected to a control. Such an assembly is defined by the command


Here, CONTROL_NAME is the name you wish to give to the control assembly, and PE(i) are previously defined PROPULSION connector element names.

Here the options are either

     -SENSORS SG(1), SEN(1), .... SG(n), SEN(n)

Simply, the control system will compute an x and y force and a yaw moment given by:

     F(i) = sum [ SG(k) SR(k,i) ]

Here SG(k) are the multipliers defined with the -SENSORS option and SR(k,i) is the "sensor reading" for the kth sensor. The i is the degree of freedom for the sensor. The thrust is allocated amount the thrusters based on a least squares fit.

Normally, the sensors are "VECTOR" sensors where the first point of the vector is a point on the body and the second point is a point on ground. The signal is the vector between the two points which we want to be zero.

Propulsion units with rudders are treated differently. They can control only yaw and the thrust is not altered by the control system. In other words, one sets the thrust with a &CONNECTOR xxx -SET_PROPULSION command and the control system will control the rudder to achieve a given heading.